

Kesalahan-kesalahan di seputar Lailatul Qadr (false in lailatul qadr)

arwa(arif walid) Rabu, 03 November 2010
Oleh: Syaikh Masyhur bin Hasan Salman

Kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilakukan manusia pada lailatul qadr itu banyak sekali, jarang yang bisa selamat kecuali yang dipelihara Allah. Diantaranya kesalahan-kesalahan itu:

1. Sibuk mencari dan menyelidiki keberadaannya. Sibuk mengamati tanda-tanda lailatur qadr, sehingga meninggalkan ibadah ataupun perbuatan taat pada malam itu. Betapa banyak orang-orang lupa membaca Al-Qur'an, dzikir dan lupa mencari ilmu karena sibuk mengamati tanda-tanda lailatul qadr. Menjelang matahari terbit, terkadang kita dapati ada yang sibuk memperhatikan dan mengamati matahari untuk mencari tahu, apakah sinar matahari pagi ini terik ataukah tidak. Mestinya orang-orang ini memperhatikan pesan Rasulullah saw dalam sabda beliau:

"Semoga (dengan dirahasiakannya waktu lailatul qadr itu) menjadi lebih baik bagi kalian" (HR. Bukhari)

Dalam hadits ini terdapat isyarat bahwa malam itu tidak ditentukan waktu pastinya. Dari sabda Rasulullah saw ini, para ulama menyimpulkan bahwa dirahasiakannya waktu lailatul qadar lebih baik. Mereka mengatakan "Hikmahnya, agar manusia bersungguh-sungguh dan memperbanyak amal pada seluruh malam dengan harapan ada yang bertepatan dengan lailatul qadar. Berbeda jika lailatul qodar itu telah dipastikan waktunya, maka tentu kesungguhan dalam beramal hanya akan ada dan akan dipompa pada satu malam itu saja. Akibatnya, kesempatan beribadah pada malam-malam lainnya akan berlalu begitu saja atau minimalnya amal ibadahnya menurun. Bahkan sebagian ulama mengambil satu faidah dari sabda Nabi saw di atas, yaitu sebaiknya orang yang mengetahui lailatul qadar itu menyembunyikannya karena Allah swt telah mentaqdirkan pada Nabi-Nya saw untuk tidak memberitakannya. Dan semua kebaikan ada pada sesuatu yang telah ditaqdirkan bagi Nabi saw. Sehingga kita disunnahkan untuk mengikutinya.

Dari uraian di atas, dapat di ketahui kekeliruan sebagian orang yang giat beribadah, khususnya qiyamul lail, atau ibadah secara umum pada malam keduapuluh tujuh, dengan memastikan atau seakan memastikan, malam itu adalah lailatul qodar. Selanjutnya mereka meninggalkan qiyamul lail dan tidak lagi bersungguh-sungguh dalam melakukan ketaatan pada malam-malam lainnya, karena mengira dengan menghidupkan malam ini (malam 27), mereka telah mendapatkan pahala ibadah yang lebih baik dari ibadah seribu bulan. Persepsi yang keliru ini menggiring banyak orang untuk berlebih-lebihan dalam melakukan ketaatan pada malam ini. Diantara mereka ada yang tidak tidur, bahkan tidak henti-hentinya shalat disamping memaksakan diri tidak tidur. Ada juga yang shalat dan memperpanjang waktu berdirinya, padahal sedang berjuang keras melawan kantuk, sehingga ada diantara mereka yang tertidur dalam sujudnya. Dalam kasus ini, satu sisi merupakan pelanggaran terhadap petunjuk Rasulullah saw yang melarang kita melakukan hal itu. Pada sisi lainnya, itu merupakan beban dan belenggu yang telah dihilangkan dari kita-berkat karunia dan nikmat-Nya swt.

2. Diantara kesalahan sebagian kaum muslimin pada malam ini, yaitu sibuk mengatur acara, menyampaikan ceramah. Sebagian lagi sibuk dengan nasyid-nasyid dan nyanyian puji-pujian, sehingga meninggalkan perbuatan taat. Anda bisa saksikan, ada orang yang begitu bersemangat, berkeliling ke masjid-masjid dengan menyampaikan berita terkini, serta bagaimana upaya pemecahannya. Itu dilakukan hingga menyebabkan pemanfaatan malam itu tidak sesuai dengan tujuan yang diinginkan syariat.

3. Diantara kekeliruan sebagian kaum muslimin yaitu mengerjakan ibadah khusus pada malam itu seperti shalat khusus lailatul qodar. Sebagian lagi senantiasa mengerjakan shalat tasbih secara berjamaah padahal tidak ada dalilnya. Sebagian lagi melaksanakan shalat hifdzul qur'an, padahal tidak ada dasarnya.

Pelanggaran-pelanggaran dan kekeliruan yang berkaitan dengan lailatul qodar-yang dilakukan oleh sebagian kaum muslmin-sangat banyak dan beragam. Kalau kita teliti dan bahas tuntas, tentu pembicaraan ini akan menjadi panjang. Apa yang kami sampaikan di sini baru sebagian kecil saja, semoga bermanfaat bagi penuntut ilmu,pendamba kebenaran dan pencari al-haq

Sumber: Majalah As-Sunnah Th XIV, Ramadhan-Syawal 1431 H, Agustus-September 2010 M

adab membaca al Qur'an (rule of reading al Qur'an)

arwa(arif walid)
Adab-adab dalam membaca Al-Qur'an PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 22 August 2010 14:13
  1. Berwudhu
  2. Membersihkan mulut dengan siwak
  3. Membaca Al-Qur'an di tempat yang bersih
  4. Duduk menghadap kiblat dengan khusyu', tenang, menghayati sambil menundukkan kepalanya
  5. Membaca ta'awudz ketika memulai membacanya dengan suara yang dikeraskan, yaitu membaca "A'udzubillahi minasyaithaanirrajiim"
  6. Membaca dengan tartil, secara perlahan-lahan
  7. Tadabbur (menghayati)
  8. Menangis dan berusaha menangis (pada ayat-ayat ancaman)
  9. Memperbagus suara bacaanya
  10. Mengeraskan suara bacaanya jika tidak mengganggu orang-orang yang sedang shalat, orang yang sedang tidur, maupun yang sedang membaca
  11. Tidak berbicara kepada siapapun di saat membaca, kecuali yang bersifat darurat dan mendesak
  12. Membacanya dengan mushaf Al-Qur'an
  13. Tidak tertawa, tidak bersendau gurau dan tidak melihat pada sesuatu yang dapat memalingkannya

Sumber: Aadaab Islamiyah, Adab Harian Muslim Teladan karya 'Abdul Hamid bin 'Abdirrahman As-Suhaibani. Pustaka Ibnu Katsir

Turunnya Al-Qur'an 2 model: Ibtidaiiyah dan sababiyah

arwa(arif walid)

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Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 01 September 2010 06:14
Oleh: Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin
Turunnya Al-Qur'an terbagi menjadi 2 macam:

1. Ibtidaiyah, yaitu ayat yang turun tanpa di dahului suatu sebab tertentu dan kebanyakan ayat Al-Qur'an termasuk jenis ini, diantaranya firman Allah 'azza wa jalla
وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ عَاهَدَ اللَّهَ لَئِنْ آتَانَا مِنْ فَضْلِهِ لَنَصَّدَّقَنَّ وَلَنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الصَّالِحِينَ

"Dan diantara mereka ada orang yang telah berikrar kepada Allah: Sesungguhnya jika Allah memberikan sebahagian karunia-Nya kepada kami, pastilah kami akan bersedekah dan pastilah kami termasuk orang-orang yang shalih" (At-Taubah: 75)

Ayat ini turun tanpa sebab untuk menjelaskan keadaan orang-orang munafik.  Adapun yang dikenal selama ini bahwa ayat ini turun sebab Tsa'labah bin Hatib di suatu kisah yang panjang yang disebutkan oleh banyak ahli tafsir juga banyak disebarkan oleh para penceramah, maka anggapan seperti ini adalah lemah dan tidak benar.

2. Sababiyah, yaitu turunnya ayat yang didahului oleh suatu sebab tertentu. Diantara sebab itu adalah:

a) Jawaban Allah 'azza wa jalla terhadap suatu pertanyaan, misalnya
يَسْأَلونَكَ عَنِ الْأَهِلَّةِ قُلْ هِيَ مَوَاقِيتُ لِلنَّاسِ وَالْحَجِّ

"Mereka bertanya kepadamu tentang Bulan Sabit. Katakanlah: 'Bulan Sabit itu adalah tanda-tanda waktu bagi manusia dan bagi ibadah haji'" (Al-Baqarah: 189)

b) Sebuah kejadian yang membutuhkan keterangan atau peringatan, contohnya:

وَلَئِنْ سَأَلْتَهُمْ لَيَقُولُنَّ إِنَّمَا كُنَّا نَخُوضُ وَنَلْعَبُ

"Dan apabila kamu tanya mereka niscaya mereka akan menjawab: sesungguhnya kami hanya bersendau gurau dan bermain-main saja" (At-Taubah: 65)

Ayat ini dan setelahnya, turun kepada seorang munafik yang berkata di saat perang Tabuk "Belum pernah kami melihat para ahli baca Al-Qur'an seperti ini, orang-orang yang lebih buncit perutnya, lebih dusta lisannya, dan lebih pengecut dalam peperangan" (mereka maksudkan dengannya Rasulullah saw dan para sahabatnya). Maka berita tersebut sampai kepada Rasulullah saw lalu turunlah ayat ini. Datanglah orang munafik tersebut untuk meminta maaf, maka Rasulullah menjawab:

أَبِاللَّهِ وَآيَاتِهِ وَرَسُولِهِ كُنْتُمْ تَسْتَهْزِئُونَ

"Apakah dengan ayat-ayat Allah dan Rasul-Nya kalian berolok-olok?" (At-Taubah: 65)

c) Suatu perkara realita yang memerlukan penjelasan hukum, contohnya firman Allah 'azza wa jalla

قَدْ سَمِعَ اللَّهُ قَوْلَ الَّتِي تُجَادِلُكَ فِي زَوْجِهَا وَتَشْتَكِي إِلَى اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ يَسْمَعُ تَحَاوُرَكُمَا إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَمِيعٌ بَصِيرٌ

"Sesungguhnya Allah telah mendengar perkataan wanita yang mengajukan gugatan kepadamu tentang suaminya dan mengadukan halnya kepada Allah. Dan Allah mendengar percakapan kalian berdua. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat" (Al-Mujadilah: 1)

Sumber: Ushul Fit Tafsiir, Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin. Edisi Bahasa Indonesia: Bagaimana Kita Memahami Al-Qur'an Penerbit Cahaya Tauhid

free al-quran 30 juz download here

arwa(arif walid)
 download gratis al-qur'an 30 juz lengkap
001 Surat Alfatihah 7 ayat
002 Surat Albaqoroh 286 ayat
003 Surat Aliimroon 200 ayat
004 Surat Annisaa 176 ayat
005 Surat Al-maaidah 120 ayat
006 Surat Al-anaam 165 ayat
007 Surat Al-aroof 206 ayat
008 Surat Al-anfaal 75 ayat
009 Surat Attaubah 129 ayat
010 Surat Yuunus 109 ayat
011 Surat Huud 123 ayat
012 Surat Yuusuf 111 ayat
013 Surat Arroad 43 ayat
014 Surat Ibrohiim 52 ayat
015 Surat Al-hijr 99 ayat
016 Surat Annahl 128 ayat
017 Surat Al-isroo 111ayat
018 Surat Alkahfi 110 ayat
019 Surat Maryam 98 ayat
020 Surat Thoohaa 135 ayat
021 Surat Al-anbiyaa 112 ayat
022 Surat Alhajj 78 ayat
023 Surat Almuminuun 118 ayat
024 Surat Annuur 64 ayat
025 Surat Alfurqoon 77 ayat
026 Surat Asy-syuaroo 227 ayat
027 Surat Annaml 93 ayat
028 Surat Alqoshosh 88 ayat
029 Surat Al-ankabuut 69 ayat
030 Surat Arruum 60 ayat
031 Surat Luqmaan 34 ayat
032 Surat Assajadah 30 ayat
033 Surat Al-ahzaab 73 ayat
034 Surat Sabaa 54 ayat
035 Surat Faathir 45 ayat
036 Surat Yaasiin 83 ayat
037 Surat Ash-shoffaat 182 ayat
038 Surat Shood 88 ayat
039 Surat Azzumar 75 ayat
040 Surat Almumin
041 Surat Fushshilat 54 ayat
042 Surat Asy-syuuroo 53 ayat
043 Surat Azzukhruf 89 ayat
044 Surat Addukhoon 59 ayat
045 Surat Aljaatsiyah 37 ayat
046 Surat Al-ahqoof 35 ayat
047 Surat Muhammad 38 ayat
048 Surat Alfath 29 ayat
049 Surat Alhujuroot 18 ayat
050 Surat Qoof 45 ayat
051 Surat Adz-dzaariyaat 60 ayat
052 Surat Ath-thuur 49 ayat
053 Surat Annajm 62 ayat
054 Surat Alqomar 55 ayat
055 Surat Arrohmaan 78 ayat
056 Surat Alwaaqiah 96 ayat
057 Surat Alhadiid 29 ayat
058 Surat Almujaadilah 22 ayat
059 Surat Alhasyr 24 ayat
060 Surat Almumtahanah 13 ayat
061 Surat Ash-shoff 14 ayat
062 Surat Aljumuah 11 ayat
063 Surat Almunaafiquun 11 ayat
064 Surat Attaghoobun
065 Surat Ath-tholaaq 12 ayat
066 Surat Attahriim 12 ayat
067 Surat Almulk 30 ayat
068 Surat Alqolam 52 ayat
069 Surat Alhaaqqoh 52 ayat
070 Surat Almaaarij 44 ayat
071 Surat Nuuh 28 ayat
072 Surat Aljin 28 ayat
073 Surat Almuzzammil 20 ayat
074 Surat Almuddatstsir 56 ayat
075 Surat Alqiyaamah 40 ayat
076 Surat Al-insaan 31 ayat
077 Surat Almursalaat 50 ayat
078 Surat Annabaa 40 ayat
079 Surat Annaaziaat 46 ayat
080 Surat Abasa 42 ayat
081 Surat Attakwiir 29 ayat
082 Surat Al-infithoor 19 ayat
083 Surat Almuthoffifiin 36 ayat
084 Surat Al-insyiqooq 25 ayat
085 Surat Alburuuj 22 ayat
086 Surat Ath-thooriq 17 ayat
087 Surat Al-alaa 19 ayat
088 Surat Alghoosyiyah 26 ayat
089 Surat Alfajr 30 ayat
090 Surat Albalad 20 ayat
091 Surat Asy-syams 15 ayat
092 Surat Al-lail 21 ayat
093 Surat Adh-dhuhaa 11 ayat
094 Surat Alamnasyroh 8 ayat
095 Surat Attiin 8 ayat
096 Surat Al-alaq 19 ayat
097 Surat Alqodar 5 ayat
098 Surat Albayyinah 8 ayat
099 Surat Azzalzalah 8 ayat
100 Surat Al-aadiyaat 11 ayat
101 Surat Alqooriah 11 ayat
102 Surat Attakaatsur 8 ayat
103 Surat Al-ashr 3 ayat
104 Surat Alhumazah 9 ayat
105 Surat Alfiil 5 ayat
106 Surat Quraisy 4 ayat
107 Surat Almaauun 7 ayat
108 Surat Alkautsar 3 ayat
109 Surat Alkaafiruun 6 ayat
110 Surat Annashr 3 ayat
111 Surat Allahab 5 ayat
112 Surat Al-ikhlaash 4 ayat
113 Surat Alfalaq 5 ayat
114 Surat Annaas 6 ayat
115 Doa Syeikh Abubakar asysyathiri

Tips to Deal With Stress (cara menhadapi stress)

arwa(arif walid)
So here are our 6 Tips to How you can deal with Stress and get rid of it
1. Relax: Learn how to relax. Relaxation is very important to fight stress. You can use different methods to relax. You can use deep breathing exercises. These exercises are very important and effective for relaxation. You can close your eyes and concentrate on the breathing. Take deep breath for 15-20 minutes every day. Focus on your breathing during this time. Keep your mind free of any thoughts.
2. Remove bad thoughts – Just remove every bad thought from your mind. Tell your mind to relax. You can order your subconscious mind to relax. It will obey you. Keep thoughts away from your mind. Let it be free for some time every day. This is helpful to relax. Your thoughts are cause of your concern, so when you keep them away, you can really relax.
3. Regular Exercise – Exercise helps in relaxing. A regular exercise will ensure that you do not have any health related problem. Regular exercise makes you healthy. A healthy body helps in keeping your mind healthy and strong. It reduces the problems of the body and so you are more relaxed. Exercise may be anything. Even a brisk walk of 30 minutes can do wonders. Make it a regular habit. Everyday 15-30 minutes will be enough for you to fight stress. Keep yourself fit to fight stress.
4. Do yoga to remove stress - Yoga is a wonderful method to fight stress. Yoga methods help in relaxation and fighting stress. Learn the yoga postures that help in fighting stress. Practice yoga when you get time. The best time may be the morning. Select your best time and follow the regime regularly. Ask the experts about the methods and postures to follow.
5. Use audio Tapes/Music - Audio tapes/Music may be another way to fight stress. There are different audio tapes available which can help you fight stress. These audio tapes contain musical instruments, natural sounds or soft music. They help in relaxation and fighting stress. Use them regularly when you feel stressed. I love Enya's songs to relax myself :)
6. Proper Food and Diet– Food is another way to fight stress. Different types of foods help in fighting stress. Food helps in two ways. First it keeps your body healthy and so you can fight diseases and other problems. Secondly it helps in keeping your body and mind full and satisfied. Hunger can be another stress to you. Different foods carry various ingredients, which keep the elements of stress at bay. So eat healthy food and eat at time.

Foot pain

arwa(arif walid)
On the whole, the feet are very small when compared to the rest of the body. During the day, most people spend about 12 to 14 hours on their feet. Because the feet are used so much during normal daily activity, the excessive loads that are placed on the feet mean approximately 75% of people worldwide will suffer foot pain at some stage in their lives. Foot pain can also reduce your mobility and independence, as is often seen in the elderly. When your feet hurt, it not only disturbs your body but it can prove to be distracting to your work and concentration.
Causes of foot pain
Prolonged standing, over pronation and the pressures that this places on the joints, muscles and ligaments of the foot are major causes of foot pain. There are many occupations that require long periods of static standing such as the health, retail, fashion and construction industries. Standing for long periods of time causes the muscles of the lower limb to become fatigued and overworked. Blood pooling due to decreased venous return also increases discomfort in the lower limb. The overall result of this being tired aching legs.
Ill fitted shoes and wearing high heels can also contribute to foot pain. High heels make women to look smart and taller, however they can become very uncomfortable if they wear these for long periods or during inappropriate activities. High heels increase the pressure on the ball of the foot and toe region above what the foot is designed to withstand. This overloads the structures of the forefoot leading to ball of foot pain and discomfort.
Aging, being overweight and many other systemic diseases such as diabetes, gout, arthritis all increase the likelihood of foot problems. Generally these systemic (whole body) diseases affect the function and structure (depending on the disease) of the foot. This changes the function of the foot and often leads to foot pain.
Certain age groups also suffer foot pain at different times of their lives. Children suffer from aches and pains during their growth and development. This was traditionally called growing pains, however today we know that there is treatment for these aches and pains. The two most common children’s pains are, Severs disease (pain at the heel) and Osgoodschlatters Syndrome (pain at the knee). These are both growing related problems that are aggravated by over use and poor mechanics.
The elderly are another group that often suffer foot pain. This is largely due to over use from a life time of wear and tear. Although wear and tear are not reversible, there are still treatment options available for this group of patients, to make walking pain free.
What people do when they face the problem of foot pain?
In most of the cases when people suffer foot pain the first thing they do is to reduce their activity. This usually works quote well as it will rest the foot. They apply pain removing gel to the painful area or take anti-inflammatory medications. This approach masks the symptoms of their foot pain. The real underlying problem of most kinds of foot pain is a functional abnormality that will need to be corrected.
Over weight and unfit people who are trying to lose weight often walk for exercise. The extra weight and activity further strains the feet, making walking less enjoyable, making exercise and weight loss even less likely.
Some people have no option other than to continue activity. This patient group wither either has to work due to financial commitments or has to continue activity as they are part of a sporting team. This group usually tends to push through the pain barrier until it is impossible to go on any longer.
Some people chose to ignore their foot pain and continue to wear their fashion shoes (Fore example ladies wearing high heeled fashion shoes). Over time the strain on the foot compounds and eventually results in an overuse injury. When the foot injury gets to this stage it is often impossible to ignore.
The solution for foot pain
Overall the best solution to the above mentioned problems is to support the foot and help to limit excess wear and tear on the foot. This is best done with orthotic innersoles and appropriate footwear. Orthotic innerosles help to support the foot, prevent over pronation and limit wear and tear on the joints, ligaments and muscles of the foot. Orthotic innersoles align the foot in its most efficient functional position and help to reduce the wear and tear on your feet and ankles. The use of these orthotics results in a reduction in the pain in the feet.
It is important when selecting orthotic innersoles to select an orthotic that matches your activity level and also your shoe type. For example different orthotic innersoles are used for running as opposed to ladies fashion shoes.

The Basics of Emotional Freedom Techniques

arwa(arif walid)
There’s a lot of information out there about emotional freedom techniques. Some of the information is good, but a lot of it is either poorly written or just plain misleading. The mainstream medical industry, in particular, always has trouble dealing with medical practices that are typically labeled “alternative.” As a result, EFT has been the victim of many smear campaigns. That’s why, to clear the air, I’m going to explain EFT in simple terms. Here are the basics of Emotional Freedom Techniques.
The Basics
Emotional freedom techniques combine two centuries-old fields of medicine—acupuncture and mind-body medicine. Basically, you can describe it as a form of acupuncture without the needles. Of course, there’s much more to it than that, but this is how it appears in practice.
Emotional freedom technique therapists address people’s emotional problems by lightly stimulating meridian points throughout the body. This directly addresses the root causes of emotional issues within your body, which results in a dramatic improvement in your emotional state. It reduces stress, depression, and anxiety, and it can even heal many types of physical ailments.
The process is simple: First, you enter the office of an EFT practitioner for a brief consultation. The expert will determine the form and intensity of the treatment you need, and you may even have your first session then and there. In general, EFT treatment involves several sessions over an extended period of time.
Used alone or in combination with other types of therapy, emotional freedom techniques have worked wonders for thousands of people worldwide.
Who’s Eligible for EFT?
Practically everyone can benefit from at least some form of EFT treatment. There are no specific eligibility requirements, and anyone who enters an emotional freedom techniques clinic is welcomed with open arms. Here are just some of the afflictions that have been treated with EFT:
* Anxiety disorders, including agoraphobia, fear of flying, post-traumatic stress disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.
* Obsessive compulsive disorder.
* Drug addiction, smoking, and alcoholism.
* Eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and orthorexia.
* Anger management problems.
* High blood pressure.
* Diabetes.
* Depression and other mood disorders.
* Chronic pain.
With many of these issues, you may even find that your EFT practitioner takes your problem more seriously than your licensed medical professional. While the mainstream health industry may at times treat things like OCD, eating disorders, or anxiety as non-serious issues, EFT practitioners understand that these emotional problems can have seriously damaging effects on one’s quality of life, and they’ll work with you to address these problems directly.
The Downside?
Of course, like any therapeutic technique, emotional freedom techniques are not 100%. They have tremendous effects on the vast majority of the people who participate, but there are always going to be a few cases where the results are less than spectacular. This mainly has to do with the seriousness of the individual’s affliction.

Natural Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies

arwa(arif walid)
A herbal remedy is also called upon as Home based remedy or natural treatment extracted from natural environmental factor presence such as: vegetables; fruits; herbs and shrubs; etc.
These forms of ingredients mashed to form a particular type of medicine consists no side-effects; there aren’t any chemical mixed in it; these ingredients are inexpensive and they are always meant for the well-being of a human body.
Usually, in India the importance of the first step of preparing a medicine out of mashing the herbs and shrubs starts with the home-made herbal product in the kitchen which is pure by nature.
Herbalism(creating Herbal Remedies) as it is called upon is rather a traditional form of medicinal or folk medicine practice introduced by the use of plant extracts by certain handful of people in our society and they all have adopted a specific criteria to come up with their own solutions and could compare the same with the availability of other psychopathics medicines available in the domestic market.
Herbology includes a vast scope of introducing herbal medicines which is extended to include bee products and fungi formation as well as certain natural environmental minerals, animal organs and shells etc. The psychological concerns of the patients are efficiently dealt by the doctors who have worked and researched overtime to search upon certain solutions for the disease.
It is rather termed as a precursor to any form of modern medicines. Barks; leaves; flowers; berries snd roots etc. are the natural resources received out of the atmosphere around. Infusions; soothing oils; salves and tinctures can be easily made to avoid any ailment concerning a specific disease type.
For adopting aromatic substances, many plants however synthesize for maintaining well-being of the health of a human-being most of them are phenols or oxygen-substituted derivatives such as ‘Tannins’. The others are secondary metabolites out of which around 12000 have been left isolated.
The plant defensive mechanism is what makes this process of herbal remedy unique in itself and is indeed! Dynamic in nature that defense against predation by minute micro-oganisms; herbivorous and insects present in the environment. The useful medicinal compounds are used by humans as the herbs and spices acts as a season food yields towards them.
Systems of Herbal Medicines and their usages

Herbal Ayurveda

The Ayurvedic medicinal procedures predated all other modern forms of medicines available in the domestic market in this day and age. According to Ayurvedic doctors life force responds to equivalent treatments to a patient in different ways in different people. The healing & preventive regimens are customized to tailor the spiritual tendencies of a human body. The Ayuvedic medicine incompasses Yoga; Meditation; diet; Aromatic oils; etc. as these forms fosters balane in a human body and cleanses up many impurities from the human body.

Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicines

The standardization of Chinese herbal medicines incorporates the use of acupuncture; physical voluntary ad involuntary movements of a human body with certain specific massage of the organs of the body. The Chinese Oriental doctors sees upon in a body an intricate web of organs interconnected by channels through which universal energies flows and transforms for utilitarian purposes by the body.
* Naturopathy/ Homeopathy The body’s innately capable of recoveing from any form of disease or inury because our human body is always at its natural state. The naturopaths have there own way of including various forms of therepies implies for the exact treatment of the disease of a human body.
Naturopathy has now taken a separate course to understand medicinal practices based upon on the precepts of medicinal regimen of hydrotherapy; sunlight; exercising; etc this system has become the wide-spectrum of holistic system treatment whereas homeopathy implies of the real fact of the treatment of the disease in which small courses of natural doses are given to a patient so that the disease ca be educed thereupon. The homeopaths uses serially-diluted remedies out of natural sources and they could prevent the illness. The homeopathy remedy requires a licensing from state to state.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

arwa(arif walid)
If work means working from nine to five in front of a computer, punching cash register keys, turning keys, or doing repetitive motion with the hands and wrists, you are at risk for developing carpal tunnel syndrome, a collection of symptoms that may affect the hand sensation and movement.
The most common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is repetitive motion of the hands and mechanical stress on the palm. However, it may also be associated with several diseases and medical conditions such as arthritis, hypothyroidism and, gout, diabetes, obesity, and even pregnancy. If we take a look inside the wrists, we can see the carpal tunnel crowded with the median nerve, blood vessels, and tendons that flex our fingers pass. These medical conditions and repetitive motions can cause the tendons to swell, decreasing the blood flow to the hand and compressing the median nerve which supplies the thumb, index, and middle finger. This injury results in results in numbness, tingling, and pain. If left untreated, permanent damage to the nerves can occur. While you can’t keep your hand away from all the stress, the key to beating this syndrome is prevention. Here are some measures that prevent further damage and promote healing.
Correct keyboard techniques
The office presents a lot of hazards to its employees. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be prevented by keeping the hand in neutral position while typing. Rest your hands lightly on the keyboards. Place a wristrest beside the keyboard for a more comfortable hand position. You can use a mouse paw to help position your hand at the level of the mouse thereby relieving strain on the wrist.
The right grip
Most of us usually grip things using the thumb, index finger and middle finger instead of the whole hand. If possible, use your hands alternately. Also, avoid flexing too far from the joint.
Give your hand a break
Rest your dominant hand whenever possible. Exercise hands, wrists, and fingers in between long hours of repetitive work. When using vibrating tools like the jackhammer, take extended breaks. Rest your hands for several days if there is slight swelling and if hand movement is still possible.
Take some weight off
Obesity can also compress the nerves in the wrist.
Get the proper sleeping position
People with carpal tunnel syndrome experience more symptoms at night due to the accumulation of fluid in the wrists when lying down. As much as possible, avoid tucking your hand underneath your pillow or getting compressed by your body.
Keep fit
Exercise regularly to condition the body, you’ll be less likely to experience joint problems and in circulation.
Pay attention to the early warning signs of carpal tunnel syndrome. Ensure preventive and immediate self care and consult your doctor to avoid permanent damage.

Mangosteen Extract: The Benefits of It All (Manggis Ekstrak: Manfaat dari Ini Semua)

arwa(arif walid)
Mangosteen fruit has been called the Queen of Fruits. It is revered by many for it's positive impact on their health. Many have found that mangosteen extract provides even better results.

The mangosteen extract has been found to be an extremely efficient antibacterial and anti inflammatory agent. It acts as promptly if not more than its chemical counterparts in allopathic medicine. There are many studies to prove that the mangosteen extract has great medicinal properties which can improve the overall health of all those who consume it on a regular basis.

Some of the Major Benefits of the Mangosteen Extract

The mangosteen extract taken on a regular basis is found to improve circulation, bring relief to arthritis, reduce asthma attacks, treats otitis, as well as all types of external eczemas. It has exceptional antibacterial and antifungal properties that are invaluable for acne thus making the mangosteen extract a great favorite with teenagers.

The list of how many ailments the mangosteen extract can help is almost endless. However, it does suffice to say that people who are in the habit of consuming mangosteen extract regularly feel better, become sick less and less, and develop a greater zest for life. This is because the mangosteen strengthens the immune system in and out and greatly reduces the possibility of developing any infection.

This is a very inexpensive way to stay healthy. Hence, everybody should add this wonder fruit to his or her regular diet. For those who cannot bear to eat this fruit, they can get the goodness of the mangosteen from a mangosteen extract pill. This is like any other medicine no taste, no pain, no inconvenience. When taken regularly, it will improve appetite, bone structure, skin condition, purify the blood, and improve your circulation in addition to strengthening your heart.

People today are consistently rejecting chemical substances in favor of natural substitutes. In this scenario, the mangosteen extract delivers on all of the promises it has made. Of course, in order for it to work at its optimal best, one should consume it in sensible quantities.

In fact, experts say that once a year one should stay or go somewhere where they can detoxify their bodies totally before starting the year afresh. This does not have to be on the 1st of January, nor does it have to do with a specific place. What you need to do is to encourage the body to lose all the toxic substances and allow it to rejuvenate with the help of the mangosteen extract and similar products.

There are many ayurvedic ashrams in India, which specialize in types of body detox programs, which have nothing to do with whatever type of food you are taking today. However, it will have everything to do with what you think and what your diet henceforth will be.

Teknologi Terbaru Google Mobil Otomatis Tanpa Sopir

arwa(arif walid)
Teknologi Terbaru Google Mobil Otomatis Tanpa Sopir. Google baru saja mengumumkan sebuah pengembangan teknologi yang memungkinkan sebuah mobil berjalan otomatis tanpa sopir, bahkan di tengah keramaian kendaraan. Proyek yang dipimpin oleh Dr. Thurn ini telah diujicoba dengan cara mengelilingi kampus Google di Mountain View ke kantor Google di Santa Monica hingga Hollywood Boulevard dan berbagai tempat lain.Secara keseluruhan mobil otomatis tersebut telah dicoba hingga jarak lebih dari 140.000 mil.
Foto Mobil Tanpa Supir dari Google Inc
Foto Mobil Tanpa Supir dari Google Inc

Untuk mengendalikan mobil otomatis tersebut digunakan kamera video, sensor radar, serta penjejak jarak laser untuk mendeteksi lalulintas dan peta detail yang dikumpulkan secara manual lewat kendaraan bersopir untuk menavigasi jalan yang ada di depan dan disimpan di pusat data Google. Teknologi navigasi ini dikembangkan bersama para insinyur terbaik yang diperoleh lewat DARPA Challenges, lomba balapan kendaraan otomatis yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah AS.
Stimulasi Teknologi MObil Tanpa Sopir dari Google
Stimulasi Teknologi MObil Tanpa Sopir dari Google
Selama pengujian oleh Google, kendaraan mobil terbaru otomatis ini belum pernah mengalami kecelakaan tabrakan. Untuk menjamin keselamatan, kendaraan tersebut selalu ditumpangi oleh seorang pengendara keamanan terlatih yang bisa bergerak jika dibutuhkan sewaktu-waktu. Selain itu ditempatkan juga operator perangkat lunak terlatih di tempat duduk penumpang untuk memonitor perangkat lunak yang dipakai. Pada dasarnya, perangkat lunak tersebut akan ‘belajar’ dari rute dan kondisi jalan yang dilewati seperti mengetahui tanda lalu lintas dan garis jalan sehingga mobil sebelumnya bisa beradaptasi dengan karakteristik jalan yang akan dilewati.
Teknologi Mobil Terbaru dengan komputer
Teknologi Mobil Terbaru dengan komputer
Google berharap teknologi ini akan bisa mengurangi resiko kecelakaan di jalan hingga setidaknya setengahnya. Dengan kendaraan otomatis ini maka pengguna juga akan bisa berbagi kendaraan dan otomatis mengurangi volume kepadatan lalulintas maupun tingkat konsumsi energi maupun polusinya.
Teknologi ini masih perlu pengembangan. NYT memperkirakan masih dibutuhkan setidaknya delapan tahun agar teknologi ini bisa dipakai masal. Apakah teknologi seperti di film Knight Rider akan bisa terwujud?
Secara teknologi, Google benar-benar menunjukkan keperkasaannya. Beberapa waktu yang lalu telah meluncurkan layanan google music, dan kali ini “Teknologi Terbaru Google Mobil Otomatis Tanpa Sopir” kita tunggu saja gebrakan selanjutnya dari raksasa search engine ini.

Insomnia solution (solusi insomnia)

arwa(arif walid) Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010
By: Philip Jubb An insomnia cure. Hmm... Before we go for a cure it may be a good idea to try and know our enemy. What are our signs and symptons. What type of Insomnia do we have. Perhaps a working definition would be helpful. The experts seem to agree that something along these lines would suit. "Insomnia" is any episode of unrefreshing sleep, difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, or waking up too early in the morning and not being able to drop back off. Women and the elderly seem to be the most frequent sufferers. We can divide these episodes into three collective groups and label them Short-term Transient or Chronic. A quick explanation of these three would be as follows; Transient, a simple disturbance in sleeping patterns. A short illness, a sudden change in lifestyle, stress, isomething that leads to a short term change Short-term insomnia is is less fun. It lastsfor about 2-3 weeks. Causes could be something like a new job, divorce, serious illness, financial problems, or a family berevement. Chronic as the name suggests is the real thing. Chronic insomnia is the rarest and most serious type, with Insomnia lasting longer than a few weeks. I've just been reading a learned article that says Chronic Insomnia is fairly rare. That may be so but if 10 percent of the US population suffers from it thats over 20 Million people leading a life of misery. While it would be nice to blame insomnia on things outside our control , many cases of insomnia are self inflicted by such things as caffeine, smoking, poor eating habits, alcohol and lack of exercise. Caffeine is one the most widely blamed causes of insomnia. An ingredient in coffee, tea, colas, chocolate, and some medications, caffeine is a stimulant . We insomniacs DO NOT NEED stimulants. Quite the reverse. Insomnia solution number one - Cut out the caffine. Alcohol is often reccomended as a nightcap. Forget it. Thats only beacuse your Doctor drinks it. Alcohol actually lightens and fragments sleep, causing you to wake up as your body metabolizes it. You may think you're in a deep sleep, but your not getting the deep sleep that Insomniacs need for a cure. Insomnia solution number two - No Alcohol with a couple or four hours of bedtime. Eating. Yes, I know I can't ban you from eating but I can jump on the slimmers bandwaggon. Eat a light last meal a couple of hours before going to bed. Avoid spicy and fatty foods that cause indigestion. Lets hear it for MILK. Milk has an amino acid that the body converts to a sleep-enhancing compound in the brain. Calcium is a natural relaxing agent along with several other vitamins such as the B vitamins and magnesium. Have a look at the bottom of the page for details on how to find others. If you get hungry at night, have a light snack before bedtime. Some foods are helpful and actually promote production of melatonin, a hormone associated sleep. Try cheese, soy nuts, chicken, pumpkinseeds, and turkey. High-carbohydrate foods such as bread act upon another hormone, serotonin, which helps to reduce anxiety and contribute toan insomnia solution. Insomnia solution no three. Be careful what you eat. Nicotine products are universally bad for you. For the Insomniac nicotine has to go. It's a stimulant that increases blood pressure, speeds up the heart rate, and stimulates brain activity. Insomniacs do not need increased blood pressure, a fast heart rate and a stimulant. Insomnia solution number four. No more ciggies! Regular exercise is good in fact its excellent, (here comes the but) but, not just before bed. If you work out too close to bedtime, the increase in your heart rate and metabolism will make your body too excitable to sleep. Exercise earlier in the day and give the body a chance to produce that warm rosy glow and relax as the body reacts by producing melatonin to take your temperature down to normal. Exercise for an insomnia solution! Make your bed as comfortable as possible. Experiment with what works best for you. Choose a position conducive to sleep. If your partner is the source of your insomnia consider a change of rooms for a while. Get rid of the alarm clock . It only acts as a stressful reminder that you aren't sleeping. Control the amount of light in your bedroom. Excessive brightness not only affects your eyes, but it also influences the hormone production that helps to establish a healthy sleep cycle. Wear a sleep mask if necessary. Dark is usually good for an insomnia solution. When it comes to noise, many people find repetitive sounds easier to sleep through than intermittent and abrupt ones. Ear plugs or a continuous background sound such as a fan can help mask disturbing noise (the next- door neighbors barking dog in my case). Consider is a white noise machine. Control the thermostat. Temperature extremes, whether too hot or too cold, are no fun for the light sleeper. Cool is usually good for an insomnia solution. Hope some of these help. Drop us a line and let us know, Sleep well.

futuristic scuter

arwa(arif walid) Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010
Jet Scooter predicted this glyph will appear diperedaran in 2018! It is still a long time of launch, but at least we could first know the design. Cool
Lihat juga gambar-gambar lainnya..

Google's Newest Technology, Translating Foreign Language Through Photos(Teknologi Terbaru Google, Menerjemahkan Bahasa Asing Lewat Foto)

arwa(arif walid)
google googles is a new application that can be used in mobile phones with Android system.
Goggles application can even do a search (Google Search) based on images and not words, for example, then you're a trip to San Francisco and see the Golden Gate Bridge at which time you forget his name, simply by taking a photo the bridge and click " search ", Google Search will automatically find drawings or photos.
And this time Google has also developed technology that. Applications Goggles not only can be used to identify a picture or photo of a building (landmark) but also capable of translating foreign language. This application works by using Google's machine translation technology and the ability of photo identification.
So, if the time users find foreign-language text, aiming his camera he lived to the text. Just in seconds, Google Goggles will translate it from earlier shots.
"This prototype connect your camera phone with optical character recognition (OCR) to translate the image into the text translation in 52 languages are supported by Google Translate," explains Google. But unfortunately, for now, the new application provides German-English translation.
So .. we expect only Indonesian translator hopefully soon be available in the application, will become increasingly easier for us when reading foreign language books. They were lucky, our nation is also becoming more clever: D

Motor Pakai Power iPhone? Cek MotoCzysz E1pc

arwa(arif walid)
Mungkin banyak yang sudah mengintegrasikan Apple iPhone ke bagian dari kendaraan, namun untuk yang satu ini cukup unik. Sebuah motor yang memiliki dashboard dan bagian samping yang diintegrasikan dengan iPhone. Device sepeda motor ini dinamakan MotoCzysz E1pc, yang diklaim oleh MotoCzysz, vendor penciptanya, sebagai motor digital superbike pertama di dunia. MotoCzysz E1pc ini juga dipaket dengan teknologi yang cantik dari depan hingga ke belakang.
Sepeda motor MotoCzysz E1pc ini memiliki zero-emissions, dan berkesempatan untuk memenangkan kompetisi zero-emissions, Jumat (12/06) mendatang, dalam acara TTXGP Grand Prix Race di Isle of Man. Namun, sayangnya MotoCzysz tidak memberikan detail mengenai cara penanganan iPhone di motor tersebut. Selain itu, sepertinya motor MotoCzysz E1pc tersebut juga tidak menggunakan iPhone untuk semua instrumentasi kinerja motor.
Integrasi iPhone dalam motor MotoCzysz E1pc tersebut menggunakan fitur  akselerometer dari iPhone, namun iPhone tersebut juga dapat melacak lokasi track dan kecepatan via GPS. Bahkan, iPhone yang digunakan juga dapat mengukur meteran performance seperti G Lateral, top speed, dan akselerasi dari berbagai aplikasi. Menurut Michael Czysz, founder MotoCzysz, MotoCzysz E1pc tersebut dapat mencapai kecepatan 120mph (miles per hour) dalam waktu 7 hingga 8 detik. MotoCzysz E1pc ini juga menggunakan jumlah baterai 10 pack dan 3 motor. Kecepatan tersebut sama cepatnya dengan motor Suzuki GSX-R1000 2009 terbaru.(h_n)

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan (futuristic cycle)

arwa(arif walid) Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010
Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan. Sebuah konsep sepeda yang aneh dan unik untuk masa depan. Sepeda unik tanpa jari-jari, bisa dinaiki posisi menyamping dll. Inovasi sepeda terbaru 2010, mulai dari sepeda ampibi raksasa yang aneh hingga sepeda yang bisa dilipat. Beberapa konsep sepeda masa depan ini mengandalkan portabiltas, mudah digunakan, juga yang murah harganya.

Inilah konsep sepeda masa depan terunik dan canggih :
1. Sepeda Ampibi: Di-Cycle

Jangan kaget kalo ketemu sepeda model gini lagi liwat trus nyemplung ke kolam atau kali. Ini sepeda memang dirancang untuk bisa dinaiki di darat dan juga di air. Sepeda ini bisa ditemui di Belanda sono, tepatnya di kota Helmond. Dibuat untuk masyarakat di situ agar mudah bertransisi antara perjalanan darat dan air.

2. Sepeda Lipat ‘One’ by Thomas Owen

Sepeda lipat ini berpenampilan futuristis dan bisa dilipat menjadi bentuk yang sangat kompak dan kecil. Tujuannya adalah membuat sepeda super-portable untuk mempermudah transport dalam kota. Bingung juga gimana ngelipetnya jadi seperti itu ?

3. Sepeda "Samping"

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Naik sepeda menghadap ke depan sudah biasa, ini sepeda dinaiki dengan posisi seperti main snowboard, jadi menghadap samping. Punya sebuah tempat duduk dan setang di sisi-sisinya, kata yang bikin -Michael Killian - dari 10 orang, cuma 6 orang yang bisa menguasainya. Ehm, ga usah deh...

4. Sepeda Lipat Rotasi

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Sepeda ini didesain oleh Yirong Yang dan full adjustable. Anda bisa rubah-rubah posisi setangnya, sadelnya, dan jarak antara roda depan dan belakangnya. Sepeda ini sekaligus juga bisa digunakan sebagai sepeda roda tunggal dan jangan lupa, bisa dilipet juga.

5. Josef Cadek Locust Bicycle

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Lagi-lagi sepeda ini didesain dengan konsep yang sama, sekompak mungkin. Sepeda yang konsepnya dibuat oleh Josef Cadek ini mampu dilipat menjadi frame bulat. Jadi enak kalo ditenteng-tenteng naik kereta atau busway.

6. Hyper Bike by Body Rite

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Sepeda yang satu ini memang cocok buat suka olahraga. Menaikinya berarti Anda akan melakukan beberapa olahraga sekaligus: panjat tebing, berenang, dan berlari untuk membuatnya bisa bergerak ke depan. Fuih...

7. Sepeda Kayu

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Sepeda yang diberi nama "Rennovatia" ini dibuat oleh Jens Eichler, seorang mahasiswa, dari bahan plywood alias triplek. Kebayang beratnya sepeda ini...

8. Eco-Friendly and Adaptable Versabikes

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Desain anehnya seperti menggambarkan seseorang dengan tangan dan kakinya. Versabike ini juga full adjustable, bisa diubah-ubah setelannya sesuka hati. Hasilnya tidak hanya untuk orang dewasa saja, bahkan sepeda ini bisa dipake juga oleh anak-anak. Desainnya ramah lingkungan karena dibuat dari bahan yang bisa didaur ulang dan juga ketika sedang dinaiki bisa dibikin melar atau diciutin. Keren...

9. The Shift Bicycle

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Lihat desainnya jadi inget sepeda roda tiga jaman dulu. Tapi ternyata roda belakangya yang terangkat membantu keseimbangan saat kecepatan rendah. Roda-rodanya akan bergeser ke dalam ketika anak pertama mencoba menggerakkannya, membuat keseimbangan bergeser bertahap dari sepeda ke anaknya. Cara ini membuat transisi ke sepeda roda dua menjadi sedikit lebih mudah.

10. A-Bike: Sepeda Lipat Terkecil di Dunia

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Sepeda ini rodanya kecil sekali, dibuat agar bisa dilipat sekecil mungkin. Beratnya cuma 5,5 kg dan hanya membutuhkan waktu 10 detik untuk melipat dan menyusunnya kembali. Meski rodanya kecil, sepeda ini bisa dinaiki secepat sepeda biasa tanpa harus mengayuhnya leih cepat.

11. Sepeda Minimalis Tanpa Jari-jari

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Suka yang berbau minimalis? Sepeda Nulla ini cocok buat Anda. Nggak pake rantai, gak ada jari-jari (ruji), sadelnya sangat unik di ujung framenya, rodanya keliatan sedikit ringkih, tapi yang jelas sangat bergaya.

12. Sepeda Roda Kotak

Konsep Sepeda Unik Masa Depan

Sulit dipercaya, tapi sepeda ini kalo dipake akan berasa lebih halus dan lebih nyaman dari apa yang dikira. Rahasianya adalah di bentuk jalan dimana rodanya berputar di atasnya. Roda-rodanya menjaga sepeda berjalan di garis lurus dan pada kecepatan konstan selama berjalan bahkan di atas jalan yang tidak rata, yang disebut sebagai "inverted catenary"

Sebuah konsep sepeda unik masa depan yang unik, canggih dan aneh. Tapi yang pasti ramah lingkungan dan harganya murah apa mahal yah??

sepeda termahal

arwa(arif walid)

Sepeda termahal di dunia saat ini dengan harga 1 milyar rupiah

Kami sudah sering mendengar bahwa harga sepeda saat ini ada yang mencapai ratusan juta rupiah tetapi kalau 1 milyar rupiah lebih?? Setidaknya inilah yang ditawarkan oleh Aurumania dimana sepeda yang mereka jual dilapisi oleh emas 24 karat dan "ditaburi" kristal dari Swarovski sebanyak 600 buah kristal.
Gold Bike Crystal Edition dibuat secara ekslusif dan hanya terdapat 10 buah saja di dunia, ada yang mau pesan??
Dengan punya sepeda ini, anda akan menjadi salah satu pemilik sepeda termahal di dunia saat ini. :-)

water and sanitation (air dan sanitasi)

arwa(arif walid) Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010
Salah satu kebutuhan penting akan kesehatan lingkungan adalah masalah air bersih, persampahan dan sanitasi, yaitu kebutuhan akan air bersih, pengelolaan sampah yang setiap hari diproduksi oleh masyarakat serta pembuangan air limbah yang langsung dialirkan pada saluran/sungai. Hal tersebut menyebabkan pandangkalan saluran/sungai, tersumbatnya saluran/sungai karena sampah. Pada saat musim penghujan selalu terjadi banjir dan menimbulkan penyakit.
Beberapa penyakit yang ditimbulkan oleh sanitasi yang kurang baik serta pembuangan sampah dan air limbah yang kurang baik diantaranya adalah:
  1. Diare
  2. Demam berdarah
  3. Disentri
  4. Hepatitis A
  5. Kolera
  6. Tiphus
  7. Cacingan
  8. Malaria
Mengapa BAB harus sehat??kenapa jamban yang kita miliki harus sehat??? mungkin ini yang belum pernah terpikirkan oleh sebaian besar masyarakat pedesaan kita. dari penjelasan di atas sudah dapat diketahui penyakit yang timbul akaibat BAB dan jamban tidak sehat. jamban sendiri Merupakan tempat penampung kotoran manusia yang sengaja dibuat untuk mengamankannya, dengan tujuan:
  1. Mencegah terjadinya penyebaran langsung bahan-bahan yang berbahaya bagi manusia akibat pembuangan kotoran manusia.
  2. Mencegah vektor pembawa untuk menyebarkan penyakit pada pemakai dan lingkungan sekitarnya
kesling11.jpg Lalat yang hinggap disampah dan dipermukaan air limbah atau tikus selokan yang masuk kedalam saluran air limbah dapat membawa sejumlah kuman penyebab penyakit. Bila lalat atau tikus tersebut menyentuh makanan atau minuman maka besar kemungkinan orang yang menelan makanan dan minuman tersebut akan menderita salah satu penyakit seperti yang tersebut diatas. Demikian pula dengan anak-anak kecil yang bermain atau orang dewasa yang bekerja didekat atau mengalami kontak langsung dengan air limbah dan sampah dapat terkena penyakit seperti yang tersebut diatas, terutama bila tidak membersihkan anggota badan terlebih dahulu.
  1. Air limbah dapat dikelompokkan kedalam 2 bagian, yaitu:
  2. Air bekas yang berasal dari bak atau lantai cuci piring atau peralatan rumah tangga, lantai cuci pakaian dan kamar mandi
  3. Lumpur tinja yang berasal dari jamban atau water closet (WC)
Tangki septic atau unit pengolahan air limbah terpusat diperlukan guna mengolah air limbah sebelum dibuang kesuatu badan air. Disamping untuk mencegah pencemaran termasuk diantaranya organisme penyebab penyakit, pengolahan air limbah dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi beban pencemaran atau menguraikan pencemar sehingga memenuhi persyaratan standar kualitas ketika dibuang kesuatu badan air penerima.
Sampah dan air limbah mengandung berbagai macam unsur seperti gas-gas terlarut, zat-zat padat terlarut, minyak dan lemak serta mikroorganisme. Mikroorganisme yang terkandung dalam sampah dan air limbah dapat berupa organisme pengurai dan penyebab penyakit. Penanganan sampah dan air limbah yang kurang baik seperti:
  1. Pengaliran air limbah ke dalam saluran terbuka
  2. Dinding dan dasar saluran yang rusak karena kurang terpelihara
Pembuangan kotoran dan sampah kedalam saluran yang menyebabkan penyumbatan dan timbulnya genangan akan mempercepat berkembangbiaknya mikroorganisme atau kuman-kuman penyebab penyakit, serangga dan mamalia penyebar penyakit seperti lalat dan tikus.
Suatu badan air seperti sungai atau laut mempunyai kapasitas penguraian tertentu. Bila air limbah langsung dimasukkan begitu saja kedalam badan air tanpa dilakukan suatu proses pengolahan, maka suatu saat dapat menimbulkan terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan. Pencemaran tersebut berlangsung bila kapasitas penguraian limbah yang terdapat dalam badan air dilampaui sehingga badan air tersebut tidak mampu lagi melakukan proses pengolahan atau penguraian secara alamiah. Kondisi yang demikian dinamakan kondisi septik atau tercemar yang ditandai oleh:
  1. Timbulnya bau busuk
  2. Warna air yang gelap dan pekat
  3. Banyaknya ikan dan organisme air lainnya yang mati atau mengapung.

Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat

Hidup bersih dan sehat dapat diartikan sebagai hidup di lingkungan yang memiliki standar kebersihan dan kesehatan serta menjalankan pola/perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Lingkungan yang sehat dapat memberikan efek terhadap kualitas kesehatan. Kesehatan seseorang akan menjadi baik jika lingkungan yang ada di sekitarnya juga baik. Begitu juga sebaliknya, kesehatan seseorang akan menjadi buruk jika lingkungan yang ada di sekitarnya kurang baik. Dalam penerapan hidup bersih dan sehat dapat dimulai dengan mewujudkan lingkungan yang sehat. Lingkungan yang sehat memiliki ciri-ciri tempat tinggal (rumah) dan lingkungan sekitar rumah yang sehat

Headache Symptoms (Gejala Sakit kepala)

arwa(arif walid)

Richard Romando

The symptoms of headache are many and it I incredibly important to be well aware of the general symptoms. This would help you realize if you are suffering from a chronic headache problem and take the suggested precautions.

What is a Headache Symptom?

A headache symptom can be as varied as from mild to severe pain or pressure in the head, to chills or a fever. The affected area is often the general area of the head and neck. However many times it can certainly show up in other parts of the body as well.
The tension associated headaches may show up due to stress, overexertion, loud noise, and other external factors. Migraines on the other hand are more intense and throbbing headaches that occur on either one or both sides of the head. The Migraine is often fueled by certain food items, such as red wine, chocolate, and aged cheese.
The other type of headache, worst of all, is the cluster headaches associated with an unbearably excruciating pain. The headache is causes severe and stabbing pains that centers on one eye and often accompanied by eye tearing and nasal congestion. These headaches will usually last for about 15 minutes at a time but imparts immense suffering.
Proper knowledge of the headache symptoms helps you to first be able to determine exactly what type of headache you are suffering from. Understanding these symptoms by a trained, reliable and qualified professional would help you get a better light across the things.
These trainers diagnose you and let you know what type of headaches you are experiencing, and would help you with your personalized best. As the body chemistry is different for everyone, so, the treatment and its effect varies with every individual.
It is advisable to consult a doctor if you are suffering from the headache and he would be able to diagnose and help you to a proper treatment so that you would stay healthier and fitter.

For more information about please visit- headache symptoms

Richard Romando is an expert of Giving helpful information about Phobias and Headache help.

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Finding the Best Green Tea to Drink (Menemukan Teh Hijau terbaik untuk Minuman)

arwa(arif walid)

Tom G. Antion

Today one of the most popular drinks in America is fast becoming green tea and for good reasons. Green tea is known for its taste and health benefits far and wide, including weight loss assistance, reducing cancer risks and adding antioxidants to your diet.

It is something of a challenge to select the best green tea, especially if you are new to the green tea world. Some of the best green tea examples available on the market today are found below. There are also some excellent ways to bring out the wonderful flavor through brewing.

Sencha green tea is one of the most popular types of green tea. As an introduction to the green tea family this is perhaps the best green tea since it is very economical and has the most recognizable taste of all green teas for sale.

Kabusecha is another choice and it considered one of the best green teas today. It remains a favorite with customers throughout the world because it is taken from the first and finest harvest. It has a signature scent that is a grassy aroma associated with the best green tea.

A Japanese green tea option is Myou-Kou which is a green tea that is deep steamed. This tea has a thicker, bolder flavor compared to the lighter green teas and is considered the most unique and best green tea available.

Brewing Your Cup of Green Tea

How green tea is brewed is half the enjoyment as any fan of green tea will tell you. Unlike your normal oolong and black teas it is unfermented so the brewing method is a little different for green tea.

When brewing the best green tea the one thing you need to remember is that the tea leaves need room to expand and add their health benefits to the water that they are infused in. To the flavor of the resultant tea can be hindered by tea bags or tea balls. Allowing the tea leaves to sit loosing in the water and steep for a few minutes is the best way to brew green tea and then is should be strained if desired.

A matter of taste and preference is the best way to find the best green tea. Try a number of different types to see which is your favorite green tea.

dry eyes (mata kering)

arwa(arif walid)

by: Richard Romando

The eye is a vital organ that converts the reflected light from an object into neuron signals and feed them to the brain for processing and identification of the object.

The eyes can suffer from various conditions such as myopia, hyperopia, conjunctivitis, cataract, astigmatism, glaucoma, sty, infection and tumors. The eyelids blink several times a minute to clean the eyes and keep them moist, using the secretion of tears from the lacrimal gland. The lids also have a fast reflex action to protect the eyes.

Tears serve an important function in the health of the eyes. They wash off dust, chemicals, germs and other foreign bodies. They control the microorganisms in the eyes with their enzymes. In a condition called �dry eyes,� the tear gland does not secrete enough tears, or the quality of the liquid is poor and evaporates very fast. Normally the tears form three layers over the eye. The lacrimal glands produce water, and the small glands produce oil and mucus. The bottom mucus layer covers the cornea, and over it is the water layer with some nutrients. The outer oil layer prevents the water from evaporating.

Dry eyes are one of the old age problems, where not enough oil is produced. Some medications cause this problem. Hot, dry and windy weather can also lead to this problem. Menopause, thyroid conditions and vitamin A deficiency can also cause it. The person with dry eyes has itching, burning, irritation, blurred vision, discomfort and redness of the eyes. Surprisingly, there may be more tears secreted.

Treatment for dry eyes is planned only after finding the root cause of the problem. For old people with no specific problem, artificial tears two to three times a day and an ointment during the night can take care of the problem. The passage from the eyes to the nose, which normally drains the tears, can be plugged to keep enough tears in the eyes.

Dry eyes, if left untreated, can cause more severe problems for the eye. Drinking plenty of water, taking the eyes off of paperwork or the computer periodically, and blinking the eyelids deliberately are some of the ways we can assist our eyes.

Dry Eyes provides detailed information on Eyes, Dry Eyes, Red Eyes, Puffy Eyes and more. Dry Eyes is affiliated with Eyeglass Lenses.

The Beauty Secrets of Coffee(Rahasia Kecantikan Kopi)

arwa(arif walid)
Coffee is delicious but do you know that coffee has a beauty secret. It can actually make you beautiful. It cannot only delight your day as you start your everyday activity but can also give you a lot of skin benefits. One of the best benefits that every person can get by drinking their daily dose of coffee is having an antioxidant, coffee are full of antioxidants. On a daily basis it is recommended to drink at least 2 to 3 glass of coffee.
It can also reduce the risk of having some disease such as cirrhosis of the liver, colon cancer, gallstones, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease. Because of these benefits, can you imagine the goodness it can give if it is use for your skin?
• One of the most interesting benefits of having coffee is in your hair. Several spa uses coffee berry as protein treatment for hair. This protein treatment has a coffee ingredient. Since coffee is full of antioxidants, it can actually neutralize the chemicals that can damage your hair. Remember that coffee should not be directly applied to hair as colorant or treatment because it can create an adverse effect. Coffee is applied as a mixture and not as directly as it is. If you really want to use coffee at home, you can brew your coffee and apply it on your hair and let it sit for at least 20 minutes for a more soft and shiny look.
• Coffee can also be a perfect combination to treat dark eye circles together with vitamin K. it is a proven effective ingredient to neutralize the purple effect of circles under your eyes. You can now eliminate dark eye circles brought about by stress and lack of proper sleep. Coffee is known to be a vasodilator and it can reduce the puffiness under your eye. It can reduce the size of the blood vessel under your eyes. You can use eye creams together with coffee and apply it under your eye, but do not apply coffee as it is on your eye.
• It also has a wonderful benefit for your skin because it can lighten and brighten you skin. It also has anti inflammatory factors and you can use the coffee as a body scrub even at home. Caffeine can tighten your skin that is perfect to reduce occurrence of wrinkles and skin sagging. It is also by several spa treatment centers as an overall facial treatment. It can firm cellulite and reduce skin pigmentation. Coffee can really makes a person beautiful. Aside from making your day brighter, you can also brighten up your skin by using coffee as a beauty secret and regimen.
It is good to know that there are a lot of benefits that people can get on their cup of coffee. It is a very good beverage that people enjoy every day but you can also use your coffee to treat many skin conditions as you enjoy a cup of coffee every morning. Make your skin glow and bring back the beauty of your skin by having a coffee mixture.
Source: Health Guidance

Sepotong Surga di Bulukumba(A piece of Heaven in Bulukumba)

arwa(arif walid)
Oleh Amril Taufik Gobel

Kenangan itu rasanya masih lengket di benak saya. Ketika itu, pada 1993, saya bersama kawan-kawan satu angkatan di Jurusan Teknik Mesin Unhas Makassar berwisata ke pantai eksotis yang terletak di ujung selatan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, tepatnya di Kecamatan Bonto Bahari, Kabupaten Bulukumba.

Photo credits - Tempo/Fahmi Ali

Rombongan kami berangkat dengan menyewa bis dari Makassar. Pantai Bira terletak sekitar 40 km dari Kota Bulukumba, atau 200 km dari Kota Makassar. Perjalanan dari Kota Makassar ke Kota Bulukumba dapat ditempuh menggunakan angkutan umum berupa mobil Kijang, Panther atau Innova dengan tarif sebesar Rp 35 ribu. Selanjutnya, dari Kota Bulukumba ke Tanjung Bira dapat ditempuh menggunakan mobil pete-pete (mikrolet) dengan tarif berkisar antara Rp8000- Rp 10 ribu. Total waktu perjalanan dari Kota Makassar ke Tanjung Bira sekitar 3,5-4 jam. Tarif masuk ke lokasi Pantai Bira sebesar Rp 5000/orang. Jadwal penerbangan ke Makassar dari kota-kota besar di Indonesia cukup sering, sehingga bukanlah hal sulit bila Anda berminat berkunjung ke surga tropis di Bulukumba ini.

Begitu tiba di sana, saya langsung merasakan kehangatan pantai. Aroma laut yang dihembuskan angin sepoi-sepoi serta pasir pantai yang putih, bersih dan lembut laksana tepung langsung membuat saya jatuh cinta di pandangan pertama pada pantai destinasi wisata turis mancanegara maupun lokal untuk berlibur ini.

Photo credits - Tempo/Fahmi AliSaat petang menjelang, bersama kawan-kawan, saya bermain bola di atas hamparan pasir putih ditemani cahaya mentari yang perlahan meredup menuju tempat peraduannya. Keindahan senja begitu terasa memukau dari pesisir tempat kami berdiri. Saya berdecak kagum menyaksikan keindahan alam yang menakjubkan itu. Di kejauhan, matahari tenggelam perlahan menyemburatkan cahaya jingga yang membias lepas di hamparan laut. Nampak dua perahu nelayan berlayar di kejauhan kian menambah kontras keindahan.

Kawasan wisata Pantai Tanjung Bira dilengkapi berbagai fasilitas, seperti restoran, penginapan, villa, bungalow, dan hotel dengan tarif mulai dari Rp 100 ribu hingga Rp 600 ribu per hari. Di tempat ini juga terdapat persewaan perlengkapan diving dan snorkeling dengan tarif Rp 30 ribu. Bagi pengunjung yang selesai berenang di pantai, disediakan kamar mandi umum dan air tawar untuk membersihkan pasir dan air laut yang masih lengket di badan.

Bagi pengunjung yang ingin berkeliling di sekitar pantai, tersedia persewaan motor dengan tarif Rp 65 ribu. Di kawasan pantai juga terdapat pelabuhan kapal ferry yang siap mengantarkan pengunjung yang ingin berwisata selam ke Pulau Selayar.

Malam harinya, saya tak melewatkan waktu menikmati malam di Pantai Biru dengan menyusurinya tanpa alas kaki. Sensasinya terasa berbeda ketika kaki dilangkahkan di atas pasir yang lembut seraya menikmati debur ombak menerpa bibir pantai. Setelah itu kami mampir di sebuah rumah makan, dan di sana kami dengan lahap menyantap hidangan makan malam menggiurkan; ikan bakar dan sajian makanan laut khas Bulukumba.

Pagi harinya, saat matahari ramah menyapa dan cahayanya memantul cemerlang di laut yang biru jernih, saya langsung tergoda untuk berenang dan melewatkan waktu lebih panjang menikmati pesona surga di Bulukumba ini. Beberapa kawan saya memilih untuk menyelam dan menyaksikan keindahan terumbu karang di sekujur garis pantai Bira ini. Sungguh sangat menyenangkan!

Nah, Anda juga tertarik ingin menikmati pesona pantai eksotis ini?
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